Dokument-Nr. 19477
Sincero, Luigi an Gasparri, Pietro
Rom, 10. März 1926

Your Eminence:
The entire world knows with what tender solicitude and earnest endeavor His Holiness Pope Pius XI now gloriously reigning has striven to succor the various nations and peoples who suffered such heavy afflictions after the World War, utilizing every means at His disposal to relieve their material as well as their spiritual distress. The entire world likewise knows and recognizes that the Holy Father, in this noble and saintly mission, was guided and inspired solely by the charity of Christ, which above all else, observes right order by aiding those who seek assistance according to the degree of their need. In this application of universal charity to all men, His Holiness' zealous efforts were generously and continuously supported by all Catholic peoples, especially by the devoted Catholics of the United States who merited the public encomium and the special commendation of the Sovereign Pontiff.
But not only did the American people respond corde magno et animo volenti to the appeal made on behalf of the suffering Russian people in 1921-23 when that ancient Christian nation was prostrated under the dread scourge of famine, but, as we have learned, several societies in America are continuing, on a permanent basis, to furnish substantial aid to Russia and the other nations of the Near East. Among such benevolent organizations conducted under Catholic auspices the Holy Father has noted with much satisfaction and has called to the attention of the Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Church, the activities of the "Catholic Near East Welfare Association" directed by Monsignor Richard Barry Doyle, – and the "Catholic Union" founded by Reverend Dom Augustine von Galen, O.S.B. Both have made welcome contributions to the common cause, and it is hoped that each, in its proper sphere, will continue its valued assistance.
As, in the organization of Pontifical Relief to Russia, the Holy See found it advisable, even necessary, to unify and consolidate, as far as practical, all Catholic charitable activities cooperating to that end, so it has been found desirable by this Congregation to unite and consolidate the above mentioned commendable organizations under a single direction. Such unification of these and similar organizations under a single control will have many advantages. Thus, it will eliminate duplication of efforts which creates confusion in the public mind. So, too, it will result in greater good by decreasing administrative expenses and thereby assuring the generous contributors of funds that as great a percentage as is possible will be devoted, as they intend, to actual relief of the needy.
The Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Church and the Pontifical Commission for Russia have sought and profited by the valuable advice of the Most Reverend Archbishop Monsignor Fumasoni Biondi, Apostolic Delegate to the United States, and of other competent persons. After mature reflection and careful examination, it has been judged opportune to submit respectfully and through Your Eminence, the following proposals for the final approbation of the Holy Father:
1. Hereafter all Catholic Organizations working for the common cause of aiding Russia and the Near East, as well as all other organizations proposing to labor for causes comprised within the scope of the Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Church and the Pontifical Commission for Russia, shall be united in one body and remain united under a common direction.
2. In particular, the two organizations already working in this field, namely, the "Catholic Near East Welfare Association" and the "Catholic Union" should be merged.
The title "Catholic Near East Welfare Association" will be sufficient to express adequately the general purpose and scope of these two unified organizations. It is understood and it is hereby declared that this title includes also the "Catholic Union" and the purpose for which that Society has hitherto labored.
3. All funds which may be collected shall be placed directly at the disposal of the Holy Father. The Supreme Pontiff being fully acquainted with the entire cause and with the special purposes of the two particular organizations now fused in one body is in a better condition to understand and evaluate the material, the spiritual, the intellectual and the moral needs of those who from all sides address themselves to Him for help. He will be enabled, consequently, to distribute with greater fruit the alms put at His disposal and thus meet in a
practical manner the needs of the two organizations herein mentioned and other similar appeals.
4. It is imperative that the "Catholic Near East Welfare Association" be placed under the immediate control and direction of a member of the Hierarchy. In view of the benevolent protection and personal interest hitherto manifested towards the "Catholic Near East Welfare Association" by His Eminence Cardinal Hayes, this Sacred Congregation and the Pontifical Commission for Russia find it eminently fitting that the Cardinal Archbishop of New York be designated for this purpose. We have deemed it advisable, therefore, that Cardinal Hayes be requested by the Holy See to continue to interest himself in this work and to accord His gracious assent to these, our proposals.
5. It will be opportune, moreover if Cardinal Hayes will invite their Eminences the Cardinals of the United States and a number of the Archbishops to form, with himself, a Board of Governors. Furthermore, all the Most Reverend and Right Reverend members of the Hierarchy, the Presidents of Colleges and Universities, the Directors of High Schools and Academies, as well as the clergy and the laity, are invited to lend their valuable assistance. For the details of organization and for the concrete functioning of the "Catholic Near East Welfare Association", such as, for example, the creation of different sub-sections and departments, and in the choice of means to be employed in carrying on the work, the Holy see [sic] relies, as always, on the judgement of the American Bishops. In view of this complete confidence ever felt in the Hierarchy, the Holy see leaves to them full liberty in the practical working out if this project.
6. Finally this Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Church and the Pontifical Commission for Russia propose, through Your Eminence, that the Holy Father approve as President of the "Catholic Near East Welfare Association" the Reverend Edmund A. Walsh S.J. former Director-General of the Papal Relief Mission to Russia.
Permit me, Your Eminence, to express my sentiments of personal esteem and profound veneration for the Sacred Purple.
I beg to remain
Obediently Yours
Luigi Cardinal Sincero
Pro-Secretary of the Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Church.
Ponens, Pontifical Commission for Russia.
Empfohlene Zitierweise
Sincero, Luigi an Gasparri, Pietro vom 10. März 1926, Anlage, in: 'Kritische Online-Edition der Nuntiaturberichte Eugenio Pacellis (1917-1929)', Dokument Nr. 19477, URL: Letzter Zugriff am: 28.12.2024.
Online seit 25.02.2019.