Dokument-Nr. 6916
Scott, Sir Ernest Stowell an Curzon, Georges Nathaniel Lord von
The residence Ramleh, 08. August 1920

My Lord,
With Reference to Your Lordship's despatch No 837 (E. 7112/4023/16) of July 1st relative to Herr Loehr, I have the honour to report that in view of the statement contained in the note addressed to Your Lordship on July 19th by the German Chargé d'Affaires in London, that Herr von Loehr is a German Diplomatic official de carrière, the Public Custodian has been authorised to release his property in Egypt. It amounts to some Thirty thousand Pounds is in cash and the balance in shares of various Egyptian Companies of which particulars are given in the annexed list. I should be grateful if Herr von Loehr could be requested to inform the Public Custodian in due course of his wishes as to the disposal of this property and to appoint e representative in Egypt to take delivery, if he has not already done so.
I may mention that Herr von Loehr was until recently regarded as the owner of a half share in the estate of the late Charles Beyerle, his father-in-law, which had been assigned to him under certain conditions by a deed executed in 1912 by his
wife with a view to obtaining his consent to a divorce. She married the distinguished Italian General, General Montuori, and thus became an Italian subject, three months before the outbreak of war in 1914. Early this year Madame Montuori obtained from Herr von Loehr an agreement renouncing his rights under the deed of 1912. It appears that this agreement has been recognised in Germany and on application from Madame Montuori, supported by the Italian Diplomatic Agency on instructions from the Italian Government, the Public Custodian has been authorised to recognise it as valid in Egypt, with the result that Madame Monuori's share in the Beyerle estate is considered as re-transferred to her and, as an Italian subject, instructions have been given for its release.
I have the honour to be,
With highest respect,
My Lord,
Your Lordship's most obedient, humble servant,
(Sdg) Ernest Scott
(Acting High Comissioner)
Am linken Seitenrand neben dem Text auf gleicher Höhe wie "Thirty thousand Pounds" masch. hinzugefügt: "£30.000".Am linken Seitenrand neben dem Text auf gleicher Höhe wie "Ten thousand Pounds" masch. hinzugefügt: "£10.000"
Empfohlene Zitierweise
Scott, Sir Ernest Stowell an Curzon, Georges Nathaniel Lord von vom 08. August 1920, Anlage, in: 'Kritische Online-Edition der Nuntiaturberichte Eugenio Pacellis (1917-1929)', Dokument Nr. 6916, URL: Letzter Zugriff am: 26.12.2024.
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