Document no. 20194
Rudolph, Alexander K. to Gasparri, Pietro
New York, 10 June 1919

Your Eminence:
Kindly permit me to ask this high Office to forward my petition, addressed to the Office of the Diocese Breslau, perhaps via Nuntius.
Our foreign mail-service to that part of Europe is more or less limited and I am very anxious to be connected with the church-office of the old country to receive important documental family-identification-papers for the affair of an old family-claim to be taken up by the Department of State U. S. A. wheretoo I have sent in my application. My writing is left open also $ 1 to cover postage.
Please take care for my letter.
Very respectfully remains Alexander K. Rudolph
432. west. 35.[st]. New York.
Recommended quotation
Rudolph, Alexander K. to Gasparri, Pietro from 10 June 1919, attachment, in: 'Kritische Online-Edition der Nuntiaturberichte Eugenio Pacellis (1917-1929)', document no. 20194, URL: Last access: 27-12-2024.
Online since 25-02-2019.