
Department of Medieval and Modern Church History at the University of Münster

The project was academically directed by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hubert Wolf and closely integrated into the structure of the Department of Medieval and Modern Church History at the University of Münster. Close academic exchange was maintained with the entire staff of the department.

Vatican Apostolic Archives (AAV)

In 2003 and 2006, the documents pertaining to the pontificate of Pius XI (1922-1939) were made accessible to research. The holdings comprise approximately 100,000 archival units. They can be accessed with the help of various indices.

The archives of the nunciatures in Munich and Berlin (AAV, Arch. Nunz. Monaco and AAV, Arch. Nunz. Berlino) are of particular importance for the Pacelli edition. Here, we can find the drafts of the reports that Pacelli sent to the Roman Curia as nuncio.

There is a cooperation agreement with the Vatican Apostolic Archives. We are grateful that the Prefect of the AAV, His Excellency Sergio Pagano, firmly supported the project.

German Historical Institute Rome (DHIR)

The DHIR provided the technical infrastructure for the Pacelli edition and hosts the project's homepage. A cooperation agreement was concluded with the DHIR' directors Prof. Dr. Michael Matheus and Prof. Dr. Martin Baumeister.

German Research Foundation (DFG)

Prof. Dr. Hubert Wolf was able to finance extensive preparation work on the project with funds from the Leibniz Prize he was awarded in 2003.

On 1 January 2008, the DFG included the project in its funding programme for long-term projects. It ran for twelve years.

On 1 January 2011, the first renewal proposal was approved.

On 1 January 2014, the second renewal proposal was approved.

On 1 January 2017, the third renewal proposal was approved. The project thus ran until 31 December 2019.