Alexandre Joseph Félix Ribot
* 07 February 1842, ✝ 13 January 1923
FOUGEROLLE, Cédric de, Ribot, (Alexandre Félix Joseph), in: YVERT, Benoît (Hg.), Dictionnaire des ministres de 1789 à 1989, Paris 1990, S. 592f.
SCHMIDT, Martin E., Alexandre Ribot. Odyssey of a liberal in the Third Republic, Den Haag 1974.
Recommended quotation
Alexandre Joseph Félix Ribot, in: 'Kritische Online-Edition der Nuntiaturberichte Eugenio Pacellis (1917-1929)', biography no. 18004, URL: Last access: 02-01-2025.Document(s) related to this short
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