Davis Edward Marshall
* 31 May 1869, ✝ 1933
James Gibbons, Erzbischof von Baltimore, an Chas. A. O'Hern, D.D., Vize-Rektor des
nordamerikanischen Kollegs in Rom vom 21. August 1917; SRRSS, Stati Ecclesiastici,
1914-1918, pos. 1317, fasc. 470, vol. XI, fol. 4r.
Marshall, Davis Edward, in: HERRINGSHAW, Thomas William (Hg.), Herringshaw's National Library of American
Biography, 5 Bde, Chicago 1909-1914, hier Bd. IV, S. 44.
Marshall, Edward, in: Who was who in American history, arts and letters, Bd. 3, Chicago 1975,
S. 315.
Marshall, Davis Edward, in: HERRINGSHAW, Thomas William (Hg.), American journalist and author blue book, Chicago
1923, S. 203.