William (Francis) Barry

* 21 April 1849, ✝ 15 December 1930
Domkapitular in Birmingham und Schriftsteller 1907
Studium in Oscott und Rom, 1873 Priesterweihe, Professor für Philosophie in Birmingham, Theologieprofessor in Oscott, 1907 Domkapitular in Birmingham.
Catholic's who's who and year book (1930), S. 22.
Who was who 1929-1940. A Companion to Who's Who containing the biographies of those who died during the Period 1929-1940, London 1947, S. 73.
Recommended quotation
William (Francis) Barry, in: 'Kritische Online-Edition der Nuntiaturberichte Eugenio Pacellis (1917-1929)', biography no. 29060, URL: www.pacelli-edition.de/en/Biography/29060. Last access: 21-12-2024.
Online since 24-03-2010.
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