Document no. 11170
Pacelli, Eugenio
to Gasparri, Pietro
Munich, 09 June 1924
Pacelli leitet diverse Dankschreiben für päpstliche Spenden weiter.Subject
Lettere di ringraziamento al S. Padre
Compio il dovere di rimettere all'Eminenza Vostra Reverendissima le qui unite lettere di ringraziamento per le munifiche elargizioni che il S. Padre

Chinato umilmente al bacio della Sacra Porpora, con sensi di profondissima venerazione ho l'onore di confermarmi
Di Vostra Eminenza Reverendissima
Umilissimo Devotissimo Obbligatissimo Servo
+ Eugenio Pacelli Arcivescovo di Sardi
Nunzio Apostolico
Recommended quotation
Pacelli, Eugenio to Gasparri, Pietro from 09 June 1924, in: 'Kritische Online-Edition der Nuntiaturberichte Eugenio Pacellis (1917-1929)', document no. 11170, URL: Last access: 13-03-2025.Linking document(s)
- Schwab OSF to Pius XI., 20-09-192313717Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Lichtenberg to Pius XI., 05-03-192413710Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Piossek to Pius XI., 07-03-192413711Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Richard SJ to Pius XI., 10-03-192413712Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Schubert to Pius XI., 14-03-192413714Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Vitalis to Pius XI., 19-03-192413715Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Rieger to Pius XI., 19-03-192413716Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Friederika to Pius XI., 24-03-192413718Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Reith to Pius XI., 25-03-192413719Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Stuckenberg to Pacelli, 27-03-192413720Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Dompert to Pius XI., 28-03-192413722Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Volk to Pius XI., 31-03-192413723Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Dietmaier (auch: Dietmeier) to Pius XI., 01-04-192413724Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Mensching to [Pius XI.], 04-04-192413725Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Franziskanerinnen in Möhren to Pius XI., 04-04-192413726Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Franziskanerinnen in Möhren to [Pius XI.], 04-04-192413727Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Pflegekinder der Franziskanerinnen in Möhren to Pius XI., 05-04-192413728Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Büchner to Eckert, 07-04-192413729Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Kinder aus dem Bischöflichen Knabenseminar Eichstätt to Pius XI., 09-04-192413730Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Herr to Pius XI., 14-04-192413731Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Herr to Pius XI., 14-04-192414018Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Caritas-Säuglingsheim und Katholisches Waisenhaus Glatz to Pius XI., 17-04-192413732Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Welle to Pius XI., 18-04-192413733Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Höfle to Pius XI., [20-04-1924]13750Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Leopoldina to Pius XI., 22-04-192413734Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Pemsel to Pius XI., 22-04-192413735Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Benigna to Pius XI., 23-04-192413736Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Sibylla to Pius XI., 24-04-192413737Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Birkle to Pius XI., 25-04-192413738Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Steinhauser to Pius XI., 25-04-192413740Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Merola CSSE to Pius XI., 26-04-192413741Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Hedwigsschwestern in Neurode (Schlesien) to [Pius XI.], 28-04-192413739Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Raymunda CSSH to Pius XI., 28-04-192413742Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Sauer to Pius XI., 28-04-192413743Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Cusimir to Pius XI., 29-04-192413744Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Effinger to Pius XI., 01-05-192413745Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Graimberg to Pius XI., 03-05-192413751Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Greulich to Pius XI., 04-05-192413746Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Gierich to Pius XI., 04-05-192413747Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Siebold to Pius XI., 12-05-192413713Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Document no. 1372113721Attachment (photo)[no subject]
- Birnmeyer to Pius XI., [before 09-06-1924]13748Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- St. Josephshaus to Pius XI., [before 09-06-1924]13749Attachment (letter)[no subject]