Document no. 11180
Pacelli, Eugenio
to Gasparri, Pietro
Munich, 15 August 1924
Pacelli übersendet im Auftrag des Deutschen Caritasverbands diverse Dankschreiben an den Papst für dessen Spenden.Subject
Ringraziamenti per doni Pontifici
Il Deutscher Caritasverband

Nel compiere tale incarico, m'inchino umilmente al bacio della Sacra Porpora e con sensi di profondissima venerazione ho l'onore di confermarmi
Di Vostra Eminenza Reverendissima
Umilissimo Devotissimo Obbligatissimo Servo
+ Eugenio Pacelli Arcivescovo di Sardi
Nunzio Apostolico
Recommended quotation
Pacelli, Eugenio to Gasparri, Pietro from 15 August 1924, in: 'Kritische Online-Edition der Nuntiaturberichte Eugenio Pacellis (1917-1929)', document no. 11180, URL: Last access: 11-03-2025.Linking document(s)
- Kotulla to Pius XI., 20-03-192413758Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Brigitta to Pius XI., 28-03-192413759Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Gratza to Pius XI., 31-03-192413760Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Buchmann, Martha, Denkschrift, 11-04-192413762Attachment (memorandum)[no subject]
- Caritasausschuss Sulzbach to Pius XI., 14-04-192413763Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Caritasausschuss Straubing to Pius XI., 14-04-192413764Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Mosthaf to Caritasverband Stuttgart, 18-04-192413761Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Ruppert to Pius XI., 20-04-192413765Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Hetzler to Pius XI., 20-04-192413845Attachment (letter)Empfangsbescheinigung
- Müller to Caritasverband Stuttgart, 23-04-192413766Attachment (letter)Danksagung
- Meier to Pius XI., 23-04-192413767Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Schmitz to Pius XI., 26-04-192413768Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Wagner to Pius XI., 28-04-192413769Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Regina to Pius XI., 28-04-192413770Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Franz to Pius XI., 30-04-192413771Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Wagner to Pius XI., 01-05-192413773Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Bolwin to Pius XI., 02-05-192413774Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Reichenberger to Pius XI., 07-05-192413775Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Heym to Pius XI., 19-05-192413776Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Stock to Pius XI., 1924-0513772Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Loch to Pius XI., 10-06-192413777Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Röhnelt to Päpstliches Hilfswerk, 13-06-192413779Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Lydia to Generalvorstand des Caritasverbandes, 15-06-192413789Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Gratza to Pius XI., 16-06-192413780Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Rudolfa OstF to Pius XI., 16-06-192413790Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Kammermeier to Pius XI., 16-06-192413791Attachment (letter)De muneribus caritativisAmericanis
- Breitenstein to Caritasverband Meißen, 16-06-192413792Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Schur to Pius XI., 17-06-192413778Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Frommen OFM to Pius XI., 17-06-192413781Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Papesch to Pius XI., 17-06-192413782Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Riedel to Caritasverband Meißen, 18-06-192413793Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Caritasausschuss Kirchenthumbach to Pius XI., 19-06-192413794Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Goldmann to Pius XI., 20-06-192413783Attachment (letter)Scribitur pro actione gratiarum a parocho Dr. Goldmann
- Rothe to Werner, 20-06-192413796Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Schubert to Pius XI., 21-06-192413784Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Carmel DCJ to Caritasverband Hildesheim , 21-06-192413785Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Weh SJ to [N. N.], 23-06-192413797Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Riedhammer to Pius XI., 24-06-192413809Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Dirscherl to Pius XI., 24-06-192413810Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Dangl to Pius XI., 24-06-192413816Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Caritasausschuss Eslarn to Pius XI., 26-06-192413811Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Bedürftige aus Ostro to Pius XI., 26-06-192413812Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Kandler to Pius XI., 27-06-192413813Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Nafe to Pius XI., 28-06-192413786Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Katholiken aus der Pfarrei St. Josef in Dresden-Pieschen to Pius XI., 29-06-192413814Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Brigitta to Pius XI., 30-06-192413787Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Spangler to Pius XI., 30-06-192413808Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Familie Fenk to Pius XI., 30-06-192413815Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Hartleitner to Pius XI., [30-06-1924]13817Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Dierl to Pius XI., [30-06-1924]13818Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Bertolo, Giovanni Battista, Denkschrift, 30-06-192413819Attachment (memorandum)Ringraziamento agli Benenti di Carità
- Kohlmann to Pius XI., 01-07-192413821Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Zöglinge der Waisenanstalt Gaimersheim to Pius XI., 02-07-192413822Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Bachner to Pius XI., 02-07-192413823Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Kinder der Pfarrei Donaustauf to Pius XI., 03-07-192413824Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Guttenberger to Pius XI., 04-07-192413825Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Prüll to Pius XI., 04-07-192413826Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Decker to Pius XI., 04-07-192413827Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Erdmann to Pius XI., 05-07-192413828Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Raymunda CSSH to Pius XI., 08-07-192413829Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Merola CSSE to Pius XI., 08-07-192413830Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Wallner to Pius XI., 09-07-192413831Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Mühlfenzl to Pius XI., 10-07-192413832Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Lauerer to Pius XI., 10-07-192413833Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Rankl to Pius XI., 10-07-192413834Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Meier to Caritassekretariat Glatz, 15-07-192413835Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Jungbauer to Pius XI., 16-07-192413836Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Ulmer to Pius XI., 16-07-192413837Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Reisler to Pius XI., 16-07-192413838Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Beschorner to Pius XI., 16-07-192413839Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Brauner to Pius XI., 17-07-192413840Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Rickauer to Pius XI., 19-07-192413795Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Betz to Pius XI., 22-07-192413841Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Vilsmaier to Pius XI., 23-07-192413842Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Reicheneder to Pius XI., 23-07-192413843Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Casper to Pius XI., 29-07-192413844Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Schmidt OSFr to Pius XI., 1924-0713820Attachment (letter)[no subject]
- Caritasverband Regensburg to Pius XI., 06-08-192413846Attachment (letter)[no subject]