Index of keywords
222 keywords
- CIC/1917, Codex Iuris Canonici 19173000
- CIC/1917, Deutsche Übersetzung3043
- CIC/1917, can. 0003257
- CIC/1917, can. 00043005
- CIC/1917, can. 0005235
- CIC/1917, can. 00123018
- CIC/1917, can. 002528050
- CIC/1917, can. 00503012
- CIC/1917, can. 00683013
- CIC/1917, can. 00883015
- CIC/1917, can. 009912034
- CIC/1917, can. 01057095
- CIC/1917, can. 01061350
- CIC/1917, can. 01273006
- CIC/1917, can. 01301791
- CIC/1917, can. 01331929
- CIC/1917, can. 013922088
- CIC/1917, can. 01616093
- CIC/1917, can. 017717085
- CIC/1917, can. 019225067
- CIC/1917, can. 019829040
- CIC/1917, can. 02201808
- CIC/1917, can. 02501962
- CIC/1917, can. 0265-02701176
- CIC/1917, can. 02691187
- CIC/1917, can. 02851519
- CIC/1917, can. 03081573
- CIC/1917, can. 0312-03181331
- CIC/1917, can. 03151574
- CIC/1917, can. 03161624
- CIC/1917, can. 03233371
- CIC/1917, can. 03293027
- CIC/1917, can. 03342318
- CIC/1917, can. 03431351
- CIC/1917, can. 03441352
- CIC/1917, can. 03951321
- CIC/1917, can. 0396256
- CIC/1917, can. 040329041
- CIC/1917, can. 045117093
- CIC/1917, can. 04563389
- CIC/1917, can. 04587042
- CIC/1917, can. 04593390
- CIC/1917, can. 04641348
- CIC/1917, can. 046947
- CIC/1917, can. 04737043
- CIC/1917, can. 04742314
- CIC/1917, can. 0475545
- CIC/1917, can. 04761145
- CIC/1917, can. 0483365
- CIC/1917, can. 04889038
- CIC/1917, can. 04923007
- CIC/1917, can. 04953008
- CIC/1917, can. 0497414
- CIC/1917, can. 050522063
- CIC/1917, can. 05343045
- CIC/1917, can. 054222062
- CIC/1917, can. 058713100
- CIC/1917, can. 05963004
- CIC/1917, can. 06159039
- CIC/1917, can. 062617090
- CIC/1917, can. 0627-063117091
- CIC/1917, can. 06383025
- CIC/1917, can. 06394098
- CIC/1917, can. 06523026
- CIC/1917, can. 06533024
- CIC/1917, can. 06931341
- CIC/1917, can. 08041928
- CIC/1917, can. 08511907
- CIC/1917, can. 091428097
- CIC/1917, can. 09723240
- CIC/1917, can. 09841545
- CIC/1917, can. 09873028
- CIC/1917, can. 100625069
- CIC/1917, can. 1019-10341596
- CIC/1917, can. 10421502
- CIC/1917, can. 10581503
- CIC/1917, can. 10613020
- CIC/1917, can. 10643021
- CIC/1917, can. 10961355
- CIC/1917, can. 10973493
- CIC/1917, can. 10993491
- CIC/1917, can. 11029036
- CIC/1917, can. 11133016
- CIC/1917, can. 1149483
- CIC/1917, can. 118312032
- CIC/1917, can. 118412038
- CIC/1917, can. 12151646
- CIC/1917, can. 12401543
- CIC/1917, can. 12411544
- CIC/1917, can. 12453079
- CIC/1917, can. 126328037
- CIC/1917, can. 1352393
- CIC/1917, can. 135428058
- CIC/1917, can. 13585070
- CIC/1917, can. 13591433
- CIC/1917, can. 1360394
- CIC/1917, can. 1364395
- CIC/1917, can. 13653051
- CIC/1917, can. 13665073
- CIC/1917, can. 13723017
- CIC/1917, can. 13813019
- CIC/1917, can. 13841904
- CIC/1917, can. 13852239
- CIC/1917, can. 13863009
- CIC/1917, can. 13921864
- CIC/1917, can. 13942240
- CIC/1917, can. 13952153
- CIC/1917, can. 13973023
- CIC/1917, can. 14062309
- CIC/1917, can. 140912035
- CIC/1917, can. 141012036
- CIC/1917, can. 142928033
- CIC/1917, can. 14323011
- CIC/1917, can. 143313094
- CIC/1917, can. 1433-143517056
- CIC/1917, can. 143518198
- CIC/1917, can. 14432303
- CIC/1917, can. 14442304
- CIC/1917, can. 14452199
- CIC/1917, can. 144827002
- CIC/1917, can. 14501182
- CIC/1917, can. 145217069
- CIC/1917, can. 14533049
- CIC/1917, can. 145627003
- CIC/1917, can. 146914035
- CIC/1917, can. 14713014
- CIC/1917, can. 14721443
- CIC/1917, can. 147328032
- CIC/1917, can. 149512039
- CIC/1917, can. 149912037
- CIC/1917, can. 15053538
- CIC/1917, can. 15203022
- CIC/1917, can. 152112033
- CIC/1917, can. 15301954
- CIC/1917, can. 15321855
- CIC/1917, can. 15381707
- CIC/1917, can. 1573233
- CIC/1917, can. 1574234
- CIC/1917, can. 15941518
- CIC/1917, can. 15991520
- CIC/1917, can. 17573029
- CIC/1917, can. 193325064
- CIC/1917, can. 22191542
- CIC/1917, can. 22541276
- CIC/1917, can. 23141275
- CIC/1917, can. 233428047
- CIC/1917, can. 23511530
- Caeremoniale episcoporum von 18861172
- Caeremoniale episcoporum von 1886, lib. I cap. IV n. 71174
- Caeremoniale episcoporum von 1886, lib. I cap. XIII n. 101175
- Caeremoniale episcoporum von 1886, lib. II cap. VIII n. 141190
- Camerieri d'Onore della Santa Casa13049
- Campo Santo Teutonico in Rom3041
- Canisiuskonvikt in Ingolstadt293
- Cap. 02. X. De iudiciis II, 1228
- Cap. 18. X. De foro competenti II, 2229
- Cappa Magna23035
- Cappello, I diritti e i privilegi tollerati e concessi dal la S. Sede ai Governi27094
- Cappello, Tractatus Canonico Moralis de Sacramentis2222
- Carabinieri Esteri1121
- Caritassekretariat in Stuttgart17051
- Cartellverband der Katholischen Deutschen Studentenverbindungen (CV)721
- Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales9080
- Catholic Central Clothing Committee10044
- Catholic Near East Welfare Association1913
- Causa amotionis1961
- Cavagnis, Institutiones iuris publici ecclesiastici3010
- Cavaliere o Guardia d'Onore della Santa Casa341
- Caxton Hall speech Lloyd Georges vom 5. Januar 191813097
- Censura latae sententiae4102
- Chaldäische Kirche1916
- Chambre des députés3037
- Chemnitzer Kalender3595
- Chicago Daily News2073
- Chiffrierschlüssel1115
- Chilenische Regierung (1927-07-21 – 1931-07-26) Präsidentschaft Carlos Ibáñez del Campo2230
- Chilianeum. Blätter für katholische Wissenschaft, Kunst und Leben8035
- Chinesische Regierung (Peking) (1917-07-02/08-01 – 1918-10-10) Präsidentschaft Feng 3038
- Chinesische Regierung (Peking) (1918-10-10 – 1922-06-02) Präsidentschaft Xu 3003
- Christlich-Nationale Bauern- und Landvolkpartei (CNBL)3396
- Christliche Gewerkschaften und Gewerkschaftsstreit3046
- Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat22045
- Circus Busch3098
- Circus Krone1679
- Club Alpino Italiano1410
- Codicis iuris canonici fontes1860
- Coenaculum in Jerusalem3056
- Cohn, Philonis opera, vol. V430
- Collectio Lacensis9086
- Collectio Rituum a Sancta Sede Apostolica in usum Archidioecesis Coloniensis approbatorum2316
- Collectio Rituum ad instar Appendicis Ritualis Romani a Sancta Sede Apostolica approbata pro Dioecesi Osnabrugensi1658
- Collectio Rituum ex venia Sanctae Sedis in Monasteriensi retinendorum1656
- Collectio Rituum in usum cleri archidioecesis Friburgensis1652
- Collegio Araldico334
- Collegio San Giuseppe in Rom3482
- Collegium Angelicum5072
- Collegium Germanicum et Hungaricum3044
- Comitato Ligure Ex-Combattenti di Campore22033
- Comité Officiel Belge pour les Pays-Bas3039
- Comité der Russischen Kinderhilfe in Deutschland23056
- Comité russe de secours aux tuberculeux9063
- Commission for relief in Belgium3040
- Commissione Araldica Pontificia1881
- Commissione del Protocollo Generale del Ceremoniale Pontificio der Zeremonialkongregation1168
- Compagnia di San Paolo1428
- Concilium Tridentinum3052
- Confederación Nacional Católico-Agraria (CNCA)25088
- Congregazione Universale della Santa Casa di Loreto343
- Congrès national des familles de prisonniers de guerre et des disparus9040
- Cooperativa Italiana Württemberg28054
- Copia recessus Monachiensis Concordatorum17047
- Cornely, Kompendium5085
- Corpus Catholicorum8033
- Corpus Confessionum3137
- Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum424
- Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum423
- Corpus Medicorum Graecorum / Latinorum418
- Correio da Manhã7045
- Corriere d'Italia28078
- Corriere della Sera3036
- Credito Italiano11142
- Cristiada in Mexiko207